Author: Innovating with AI

  • 11 Powerful WordPress Forms Plugins

    11 Powerful WordPress Forms Plugins

    Lead generation tools are essential for capturing your audience’s interest and contact information. Searching for the right that best meets your need for your business can help it scale faster, make vital contacts, and discover new opportunities. We will discuss the world’s leading WordPress lead generation plugins to increase sales by turning visitors into customers.…

  • WordPress Template Hierarchy

    WordPress Template Hierarchy

    WordPress theme files are essentially the building blocks for the design of your website. They allow you to modify the look and feel of your website. WordPress uses a database to store content. When you create content, it is stored in a database and displayed using templates when visitors access the content. A WordPress theme…

  • How Social Proof Can Help Increase Your Conversions

    How Social Proof Can Help Increase Your Conversions

    Many of the choices people make can be tied to social proof. Think about all the big stuff you’ve bought—things like your car, electronic appliances, and even clothing for special events. What is the first you did when you started shopping for them? Based on relevant stats, we will say that you looked for social…

  • How Big Is UnderStrap?

    How Big Is UnderStrap?

    UnderStrap is one of the most popular WordPress frameworks in the world and is trusted by some big name brands. Since 2016 the framework has went from strength to strength, moving from Bootrap 3 to Bootstrap 4 with the 5th version in the near horizon. In that time the following organisations have built some amazing…

  • Getting Started With UnderStrap Child Themes

    Getting Started With UnderStrap Child Themes

    Not everyone has the time to build a WordPress theme from scratch, but at the same time we all crave that unique – one of a kind look for our website. There are ways to streamline your website development so you can work in a sensible time frame by engaging in a few hacks, which…

  • What Is UnderStrap? FAQ

    UnderStrap is a WordPress starter theme built using Underscores (created by the people behind WordPress) and Bootstrap 4 (by Twitter). It essentially reduces the time needed to get a project off the ground for developers who like to build on top of amazing frameworks. You could go and collect these open source publicly available frameworks…