The image shows the word "WIRED" in bold white letters against a dark green background. The font is modern and sans-serif, designed for high visibility.
The image shows the logo of Entertainment Weekly, which is a textual design in white on a dark background featuring the magazine's name in two distinct fonts.
The image shows the logo of "U.S. News & World Report," featuring bold blue letters on a white background, bordered by red stripes above and below the text.
The image displays the logo of "Entrepreneur Magazine" in a serif font, primarily in dark green, against a transparent background. The logo is elegant and professional.
The image displays the logo of "Mashable," a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. It features bold, capitalized text in a shade of blue.

Launch Your AI Project in 24 Hours

  • Personalized coaching with Rob Howard
  • Direct access and live work sessions with our software engineers
  • Mastermind meetups with fellow professionals and entrepreneurs
  • Accountability and support to help you move fast and get unstuck
  • Ship your prototype in 60 days – guaranteed

The AI Incubator Private Mentorship includes everything in the Complete Program (course, curriculum, live training) plus the highest level of access to me and my software development team to accelerate your AI launch.

It has been designed and redesigned from the ground up to supercharge your planning, building and launch process. Beyond that, we guarantee that you will be ready to show your prototype to clients, customers and/or investors in the next 60 days.

Total time investment on your part is about 24 hours over that time period – based on the average it took our last round of mentorship students.

New changes:

We’ll literally build it together: We’ve added three “Build It With You” sessions with our professional software development team (my employees at HDC) to make sure you have all the tech expertise you need to launch your prototype.

Meet fellow mentorship students: And we’ve added monthly ‘Mastermind’ networking events where you can meet up via Zoom with all your fellow private mentorship students for a full year.

Why it matters:

The Private Mentorship is built so that you can launch your prototype in 24 hours. But you don’t need to block out a full day – instead, we provide you with a feasible schedule so you can put 3 hours a week into your project for 8 weeks and come out on the other side with a functional prototype that’s ready to share with customers, clients and investors.


We have 15 Private Mentorship spots opening up in April – and we’re making the payment plan 4x better than it was just a few months ago.

Before: Last time around, the investment in the Private Mentorship was 3 monthly installments of $3,997.

Now: The new investment is just $997/mo over the course of 12 monthly installments. But because you’re already enrolled in the Incubator, we’re cutting that to just $767/mo.

And it’s backed by our Innovation Guarantee, which basically says that you’ll launch your prototype in 60 days no matter what.

How to know if this is right for you:

The students who benefit most from the Private Mentorship have busy day jobs (medical practices, consulting companies, jobs at universities) and value not only the hands-on coaching and technical expertise, but also the accountability that helps them stick to a schedule, focus on their project and launch fast.

Here’s Dr. Laura Davies, who just finished her mentorship and showed her demo to 100k+ people this month:

“Never in a million years would have happened had I not done the Incubator…”

The private mentorship was fantastic because it meant that I had to hone down my idea … Narrow it down to something that actually worked. You can’t write a thesis, you can’t do an app, that’s too broad.

This would no question have taken me six months if I didn’t have Demo Day. So, both working with Rob and having Demo Day coming up made this happen, and now I have a workable app.

I got a great education. I have transferable skills. I now have a community. We’re all very engaged in this space. We’ve got resources that we can share.”

– Laura D., Psychiatrist

And here’s Dr. Grady Batchelor, a Private Mentorship student who presented his demo on April 2 (replay here):

“Having Rob as a thought partner – and a meeting with Rob that held me accountable – that was huge.

It was worth every penny, quite frankly, having him there so I knew, okay, I’ve got to have this done.

And it also helped me to push everybody else who was working with me [within my organization] because we did this in less than 60 days – about 45 days from beginning to end. And this could have taken months if we had let it.”

Three of our Mentorship students (Jessica, Mircea and Chuck) built AI processes that save them 10+ hours a week of work in their medical and consulting practices – that’s thousands of dollars a week in savings.

Our other two Mentorship students (Laura and Grady) built products that will be bringing in revenue within months (easily covering a $767/mo investment).

In other words, the Private Mentorship easily pays for itself because it dramatically speeds up the launch of your AI product or process and spreads out your investment over a full 12 months.

“From 8 hours to 1 hour… it will give me more time to do the important stuff.”

“I’m used to being an expert in some fields, and I’m really not an expert in AI or software or any of this stuff. So to not get blocked by my lack of knowledge – I think that’s probably the biggest change.

You get the big picture of what AI could do. You think broadly about your ideas. But then, because I have access to [Rob] and we have weekly meetings, it holds me accountable. It also allows me to say: I don’t understand how that thing works, or I don’t understand how to connect the dots here, but I have this other big idea.

You can zoom out or zoom in, in ways that become truly useful. There’s a relationship with [Rob], with the other people in the group. There’s resources to keep learning and growing those ideas.”

– Jessica B., Clinical Neuropsychologist

What they built in 60 days (or less)

A smiling person sitting on a couch, wearing a sleeveless black dress with colorful floral embroidery, a long necklace, with a blue pillow in the background.

Dr. Jessica Boyatt
Clinical Neuropsychologist

Project: A unique system that takes in questionnaires, lab reports and anonymized medical data and writes the majority of report documents with the help of AI.

Time savings: 8+ hours per report.

A person with short gray hair, smiling at the camera, wearing a dark blazer, light blue shirt, no tie, against a blue background, professional headshot.

Dr. Grady Batchelor
Higher Education

Project: A custom chatbot for students and alumni to access proprietary educational material from his university’s financial certification program.

Revenue Potential: Expanding student enrollment, selling enterprise-level access to corporations and firms.

This is a headshot of a smiling person with short hair, wearing a checked shirt and blazer, posed in front of ornate tapestry and framed artwork.

Dr. Mircea Marzan
Non-Profit Foundation

Project: An automation that processes labwork and medical analyses and produces complete reports in minutes, and outputs those reports in perfect Romanian.

Time savings: 8+ hours per report.

A professional-looking person is smiling in a headshot. They have short blonde hair, pearl necklace, earrings, and a black dress. A blurred green background suggests an outdoor setting.

Dr. Laura Davies
Forensic Psychiatrist

Project: An AI tool that analyzes medical documents required in criminal trials, improving the efficiency of the court system and avoiding costly delays and errors.

Revenue Potential: Enterprise sales to court systems around the country, with early Beta testers already on board.

A smiling person with short hair is featured in a TV studio. They are wearing a dark blazer over a light shirt. A cityscape appears in the background.

Chuck Bolton
Consultant for Medical CEOs

Project: An AI-powered system that helps find new consulting leads and automatically connects with them through multiple platforms, including email, LinkedIn, and physical mail.

Time Savings: 10-15 hours per week of lead generation, condensed to 1 hour per week with AI.

This image shows a generic, faceless gray avatar representing an unspecified person, commonly used on social media platforms or forums.

… Will you be the next to launch?

Accelerate your AI idea – today
(and grow it for years to come)


Private Mentorship

  • Your Existing Incubator Enrollment Includes: The full AI Incubator “Innovation Sprint” Curriculum, including all 9 core modules.
  • Your Existing Incubator Enrollment Includes: 1 year of access to larger group coaching calls and always-up-to-date live trainings
  • Your Existing Incubator Enrollment Includes: Lifetime access to the private AI Incubator Slack community
  • ➕ Work with Rob in weekly private, 30-minute personalized coaching sessions for 6 weeks
  • ➕ Three 1-hour ‘Build It With Me’ sessions with our software development team to help create your prototype
  • ➕ Monthly ‘Mastermind’ networking Zoom meetups with all mentorship students for 1 year
  • ➕ Bring your team: Include up to 3 employees in your private coaching sessions
  • ➕ Unlimited Slack access to Rob for 6 weeks
  • Invitation to submit for Demo Day
  • 3-day cancel-for-any-reason grace period
  • 30-day, 100% risk-free guarantee
  • ➕ Guaranteed to Ship Your AI Idea in 60 Days
  • ➕ Only 15 seats available

12 payments of $997 $767

Pay in Full – Save $1,204

The image shows logos of various payment services including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Apple Pay, indicating accepted payment methods.

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, call, text, WhatsApp or email us. We’re happy to help: +1 (720) 900-1030 / [email protected]