The image shows the word "WIRED" in bold white letters against a dark green background. The font is modern and sans-serif, designed for high visibility.
The image shows the logo of Entertainment Weekly, which is a textual design in white on a dark background featuring the magazine's name in two distinct fonts.
The image shows the logo of "U.S. News & World Report," featuring bold blue letters on a white background, bordered by red stripes above and below the text.
The image displays the logo of "Entrepreneur Magazine" in a serif font, primarily in dark green, against a transparent background. The logo is elegant and professional.
The image displays the logo of "Mashable," a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. It features bold, capitalized text in a shade of blue.

You’re on the waitlist.

On This Page Only:

Want early access and a 20% savings on IWAI Essentials?

Pre-order now.

You’ll get full access to the curriculum and community on February 26, a week before it goes live to the public.

The image shows a multi-device display of a virtual meeting with participants waving, a webinar interface, and a mobile learning application.

Master AI with a 7-Day Crash Course

(and join a Tribe of 250+ fellow innovators)

They say AI is changing everything, but I beg to differ.

Even with all the huge tech breakthroughs we’ve seen in the last year, human connection remains the most important factor in your business and career success.

That’s why the most successful innovators focus on finding or building a “Tribe” – a group of like-minded people who support you and challenge you to improve.

As you’ve probably noticed, you can’t always get this from family and friends. Despite their best intentions…

  • They’re not as into tech and AI as you, so they get bored or just listen to be nice
  • They don’t share your ambitious career and business goals – and they often prefer you take the lowest-risk approach
  • They may even be a little scared of AI – will it take our jobs or take over the world?

Your loved ones and old friends won’t be your tribe for your journey into the AI future. Even your colleagues at work may not be ready to join your new adventure.

But without a real, human connection, you’ll spend all day stuck in your own head – rather than learning, building and growing.

I asked 50,000+ Innovating with AI readers if they’d found their AI tribe – and I was overwhelmed by the response. Here are just a few of their answers:

“So far my tribe is just me – and my husband is tired of me talking endlessly about my projects.”

“I haven’t found my AI tribe. I know a couple enthusiasts, but I haven’t met anyone that’s into it as much as I am.”

“I’m a physician, startup cofounder, ex-Deloitte senior manager, and currently freelance consultant. At the moment, I’m the only one in my circle who is into AI.”

“I have not found a crew of like-minded AI enthusiasts, but would love to be a part of one.”

“My AI community involves my co-worker and I always talking about how we’re using it. We’re both actively looking at tools to help with the creative process. But, outside of work, I’m alone in the AI convo.”

“Rob, hook me up with a proper tribe. It’s just me and my Upwork developer 😑”

“Well, you nailed it. The closest enthusiast I can find currently is my 12 year old!”

The takeaway: You are not alone.

In fact, there are thousands of people just like you, diving head-first into the AI-powered future, but without a Tribe to support and guide them along the way.

That’s why I’ve created Innovating with AI Essentials – a unique opportunity to join 250+ members in active, insightful online communities dedicated to expanding your AI knowledge and network.

But community isn’t the only piece of the puzzle – I’ve also created a carefully curated 7-Day AI Crash Course so you can master AI in record time, without learning to code. And you can take it at your own pace – you have lifetime access to the entire video course curriculum.

These are the three pillars of Innovating with AI Essentials:

  • Master The Skills: My 7-Day Crash Course on becoming an AI expert without learning to code
  • Expand Your AI Network: An “always on” Slack community of 250+ AI enthusiasts where you can build lifelong friendships, network with fellow AI professionals, and launch the next chapter of your career
  • Always Up To Date: Live trainings on the newest advancements in AI every month. Always recorded if you can’t attend live.

We’ve crafted everything to be optimized, efficient and fun – so you can rapidly learn AI and expand your network even if you don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands.

Meet some of my students…

This image shows a person with shoulder-length brown hair smiling at an angle against a gray background, wearing a black top and stud earrings.

“A teacher who makes complex challenges feel simple”

-Margo A., Entrepreneur

Rob has this really clarifying way of explaining things – unlike other courses I’ve taken and instructors I’ve seen. He’s a great teacher, and he executes. He’s action-oriented, but the way he shows you what actually matters is so, so helpful.”

Sonja Sulcer

“Packed with insights…”

-Sonja S., Author

“I joined Innovating with AI, and it has been so helpful! The weekly updates from Rob are packed with insights, and I am gaining deeper knowledge about AI. Great team, great content!”

A person is smiling at the camera, dressed in a formal grey suit with a white dress shirt and a dark tie, indoors, possibly at an event.

“Instrumental in helping me grow”

-Anthony Y., Digital Marketing Consultant

“Rob’s courses have been instrumental in helping me land deals, navigate the life of a self-employed consultant, and grow my business. It’s not just his experience that sets him apart, but his commitment to constantly improving.”




The image shows a smartphone with notes on AI models and a desktop computer with a video tutorial on innovating with AI, including a person speaking.

Master the skills you need for the next generation of computing – become an AI pro without learning to code. Seven carefully curated days of video lessons with companion audio, captions and transcripts.



Coaching Screenshot

AI is moving at breakneck speed – and our live trainings ensure you never miss a beat. We hold regular Zoom trainings (live and recorded) to keep you up to date on every new advancement.



The image displays a blurred screenshot of a Slack conversation with colorful logo-like shapes overlaying the text, obstructing most details.

In our private Slack community, you’ll join hundreds of students from around the world to ask questions, celebrate wins, or nerd out on the latest AI happenings because, yes, these are your people.

Meet your fellow Innovators…

A screenshot from a chat app shows an introductory message by a person named Laura, stating that they are a psychiatrist aiming to develop products for peers.
The image is a screenshot of a chat in a group named "#intros" with 237 members, showing a message from Charles detailing his career and new venture, My Better AI.
The image shows a screenshot of a social media or messaging app introduction post by a person named Eve discussing their background and professional interests.

Hey, Rob Howard here.

Rob Howard

You may know me as the founder of Innovating with AI. Or, you may know me as the CEO of HDC, a web development firm I founded whose software powers sites for Facebook and Intel.

You’re busy though, so here’s the TL;DR on the last 3 decades of my life:

  • I started coding in the ‘90s, when I was 12 years old.
  • That set me up for a career in tech and publishing, and I entered that world at the perfect time, starting my first company in 2005 – which meant figuring out how to thrive through multiple recessions.
  • Since then, I’ve sold startups, acquired companies, been featured in WIRED and TechCrunch, and worked with clients like Harvard, Marriott and The World Bank.
  • At HDC, my firm, there are no secrets: nobody gets paid more or less than their peers in the same role. Everyone gets a profit share – so they directly benefit when the company succeeds.

Personally, I feel fulfilled whenever I get to create an environment where everyone has all they need to perform at their best. Then, when we find ways to improve, as we always do, I strive to make our best even better. That’s what I do at HDC and it’s what I’ve been doing for the last year (at time of writing) here at Innovating with AI.


The image shows a smartphone with notes on AI models and a desktop computer with a video tutorial on innovating with AI, including a person speaking.

Our carefully curated curriculum guides you through everything you need to know to transform your career and business for the age of AI:

  • Day 1: Join the Community and Find Your AI Tribe
  • Day 2: Understand Machine Learning: Inside the Artificial Mind
  • Day 3: Build with GPT and Large Language Models (No Coding Skills Needed)
  • Day 4: Explore Image Generation and AI-Enhanced Music and Audio
  • Day 5: Bring Your Idea to Life with No-Code AI
  • Day 6: Bias, Ethics, Copyright and the Future of Creativity
  • Day 7: The Innovator Mindset: How to Discover Your Next AI Idea

Meet your fellow Innovators…

A screenshot of a social media introduction post by a person named Susan, mentioning her focus on art/creativity and linking to her LinkedIn profile, with emoji reactions below.
The image shows a screenshot of a social media post where a person named Eric introduces themselves as the cofounder of a music-centric fintech company.
The image shows a screenshot of a social media or messaging app post by a person named Jennifer, introducing herself and talking about her work.

Start Your AI Journey
(and network with 250+ fellow creators)



  • Lifetime access to the full 7-Day AI Crash Course curriculum
  • 6 months of access to always-up-to-date live trainings
  • 6 months of access to the private IWAI Slack community
  • Personalized, shareable certification of completion
  • Early access to the program on Feb. 26
  • Cancel for any reason until Feb. 29

Normally $297

Just $237 when you preorder now

That’s a 20% savings

The image shows logos of various payment services including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Apple Pay, indicating accepted payment methods.

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, call, text or email us. We’re happy to help: +1 (720) 900-1030 / [email protected]