The image shows the word "WIRED" in bold white letters against a dark green background. The font is modern and sans-serif, designed for high visibility.
The image shows the logo of Entertainment Weekly, which is a textual design in white on a dark background featuring the magazine's name in two distinct fonts.
The image shows the logo of "U.S. News & World Report," featuring bold blue letters on a white background, bordered by red stripes above and below the text.
The image displays the logo of "Entrepreneur Magazine" in a serif font, primarily in dark green, against a transparent background. The logo is elegant and professional.
The image displays the logo of "Mashable," a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. It features bold, capitalized text in a shade of blue.


The AI Consultancy Project

If this helps you land just one client, it pays for itself. The bigger question though, is “can you use it to generate $250K per year in profit?”

The image displays a roadmap for an AI consultancy with three stages: Plan & Launch, Sell & Deliver, and Grow & Thrive, detailing steps like launching services and meeting leads.

Enrollment Closes: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25

Pre-Launch Invite & Summary


Rob here. As one of the Innovating with AI members that expressed interest in early access to The AI Consultancy Project, I’ve prepped everything below you’ll need to become a founding member.

The Goal

You and I work closely to create your very own…

$250K/year 1-person AI consultancy

ObjectiveBuild your AI consultancy and
MoneyEarn up to $250k/year in profit (not revenue)
TimeIn the next 6 months
EfficiencyWith just one person (you)
Lifestyle And never work more than 40 hours a week

By the end of this program, you’ll be amongst the most advanced in your field, with a unique, intentional level of control over your time, money, and lifestyle.

I’ll show you how to do this, but how much you make is up to you.

I say this because:

  • I’ve received $1.2M over the lifetime of a single client relationship
  • I’ve received $1,600 per hour for a single consult
  • I’ve been paid $115K for a single project
  • Clients routinely ask me to work together for years to come
  • My firm predictably sells $10K-$30K projects

All of this happens, while allowing both myself and my team to have more…

  • Time for our families (vacations 🏝️, dog parks🐕‍🦺, games 🎮)
  • Time for our communities (volunteering at school for our kids 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦)
  • Time for fun and fulfilling projects (AI-powered processes, products, & business 🧑‍💻)

I’m able to do this because over my 20+ years as a software consultant, I’ve learned exactly what it takes:

  1. …to go from a solo $50K/year freelance service provider to $2M+ per year service business.

    Lead generation, getting Fortune 500 clients, creating service offers, service innovation, productizing services, writing proposals, closing sales, hiring a fulfillment team, increasing effective hourly rates, and reducing my time in the business to under 4 hours per week.

  2. to apply AI to every aspect of not just my business, but my clients’ businesses as well. I’m talking about stuff like…

    AI-powered business operations: writing 5-figure proposals with a single prompt written inside a Slack channel; creating an AI ‘executive assistant’ to handle email inbox management and much more.

    AI-augmented services: teaching my fulfillment team how to multiply their client capacity by a factor of 3x-5x with AI-powered workflows.

    AI products: creating multiple AI processes and products that are used by my team internally, and sold externally to other businesses.

In a world that relentlessly asks us to accept less, I’ve always believed that, with intention, we can have more.

Now, with AI, that’s only become more true and, as a member of our IWAI community, it’s your turn.

It’s no secret that we’re living through a once-in-a-lifetime technological shift. 

On one hand, that means a greater opportunity for regular folk like you and I to win without massive teams or venture-backed funding.

On the other hand, there are no shortages of “unknown unknowns” that, without proper navigation, can do more harm than good to the reputations and results you’ve spent a career building.

I have good news though:

(1) you don’t have to go it alone
(2) I created a clear way for you to “download my brain”
(3) I also created a way for us to co-work on this
(and in some instances, I’ll just get parts of it done for you)

The image shows the Harvard University logo with a crimson shield featuring three open books on a green background, accompanied by white lettering above.
The image shows the logo of the World Bank, featuring a stylized globe flanked by the words "THE WORLD BANK" in dark lettering against a light background.
This is a logo featuring the word "Marriott" in large, red, stylized letters on a green background, with a distinctive double "M" at the beginning.
The image shows the logo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, featuring red and grey bars on a green background with white text.
The image is completely black, showing no visible content, such as objects, people, or scenery. It appears to be a blank or solid color image.
Planet Hollywood
The image displays the emblem of the U.S. Department of Defense, featuring a pentagon shape encircled by the agency name in blue.

The Plan

9 Projects to Engineer your AI Consultancy

The image displays a roadmap for an AI consultancy with three stages: Plan & Launch, Sell & Deliver, and Grow & Thrive, detailing steps like launching services and meeting leads.

Watch: My deep dive into each part of the roadmap

To engineer your AI Consultancy, there are 3 strategic phases, containing a total of 9 specific implementation projects:

Phase 1:

Plan & Launch

Launch in 10 Days

Learn how to match your unique subject matter expertise with AI consulting. Build basic marketing materials and create a ten-day launch plan for your AI consultancy.


  • You write a one-sentence exclusivity statement to build your “consulting moat” and publish a 1-page website.


  • 1-Page Website Template
  • Exclusivity Statement
  • List of things to ignore until $100K

Craft Your Menu of AI Services

Create a menu of different consulting ideas that you can modify and offer to clients. Develop a plug-and-play consultancy model tailored to your specialization.


  • Select 3-5 AI consulting services to offer with an audience that matches your exclusivity statement.


  • AI Service Menu Template
  • AI Service Examples, including Training, Strategy and Implementation project outlines and templates

Master the AI Economy + Learn The Tools

Learn how to keep up (or catch up) with relevant AI innovations that affect your chosen area of AI service expertise.

Also learn how to build a portfolio and gain the expertise and credibility needed to attract your first clients.


  • Skill up with our AI crash course and no-code tutorials
  • Create and calendar your AI learning plan + consulting work plan.


  • “Knowledge without Noise” Playbook
  • “AI Faucet” Software List
  • The Intentional Consultant’s Calendar
  • Exclusive Software: AI Consultancy Chatbot (trained with a knowledge base of all tools and news sources we use)

Phase 2:

Sell & Deliver

Meet 100 Solid Leads

Develop a framework for direct outreach and word-of-mouth marketing. Learn strategies for inviting leads to live events to continuously promote your business.


  • You have 100 prospects, direct outreach template, and signup page to invite and meet prospects.


  • Direct Outreach Template
  • Client Validation Matrix
  • Webinar Examples

Make Your First 3 Sales

Understand the sales funnel, conduct effective sales calls, and determine pricing strategies. Create proposal templates tailored to your service menu to close deals efficiently.


  • You make 3+ sales.
  • I guarantee you’ll sign you first client in 6 weeks (more details below)


  • Proposal Template
  • 2-Minute Sales Video Template
  • Sales Call Playbook

Establish Repeatable Revenue

Learn how to move clients up the offer ladder and secure retainers. Develop strategies to maintain ongoing revenue streams and exceed the 250k profit per year benchmark.


  • You have a hybrid retainer structure to offer clients.
  • You are listed in one review/directory site for credibility.


  • Retainer Proposal Template
  • Hybrid Retainer Worksheet
  • Referral System Templates
  • Directory Listing Checklist

Phase 3:

Grow & Thrive

Run a Tight Ship

Master the essentials of managing your consultancy, including tracking metrics, handling finances, and delegating tasks. Implement lean practices to streamline operations.


  • Establish minimum viable metrics.
  • Establish workflow for processing email 3x or less per day-Launched “consulting business” automations.


  • Exclusive Software: Inbox Autopilot (My AI email analyzer)
  • Client Expectations Template
  • Minimum Viable Metrics Worksheet

Engineer Growth

Explore advanced growth strategies such as cranking up marketing efforts and offering one-to-many services. Consider hiring a team to scale your consultancy further.


  • Create your $250K+ financial growth equation.
  • Create your client acquisition model.
  • Create your scalable delivery model


  • Financial Growth Calculator
  • Client Acquisition Model Workbook

Eat Dessert First

Create a fulfilling work-life balance by aligning your consultancy with your personal goals. Achieve a level of success that allows you to enjoy your work every day.


  • Create your “Wealthy, Healthy Consultant” lifestyle standards.


  • “I’ve Built Enough Today” Worksheet
  • “Boundary Builder” Worksheet
  • “Should I Fire This Client?” Worksheet

*Projects, milestones, and tools are subject to change, based on the evolving needs of the group. If we identify a better, faster, way for you to secure the outcome, then you will have it – we intend to “push” updates to the program much like software gets “pushed” to your smartphone.

I’ve been helping consultants grow their incomes and improve their lives for 8+ years. Here’s one student in his own words…

Higher income, lower stress… freedom around my time, freedom for how I want to run my business”

“Rob’s first consulting course … reduced my stress level around my job by about 80 percent and increased my income by 3x now without even a whole lot of effort. … It’s really satisfying to wake up in the morning and think, I get to run things how I want to run things. I’m going to run a business in a way that I feel is fair and where I would want to work with someone like me.”

– Colin McCann, Web Dev Consultant


The Support

9 Layers: Training, Tools, Group, 1-on-1, More…

Depending on the level of support you choose, you will have access to some or all of the following throughout the program:

Teacher icon

Live & Recorded Project Training

Shows you how to do the project. Each session includes a 15m end-of-training Q&A to address anything that could stop you from starting the project.

Ready-to-Watch: 12+ Consultancy Trainings and 27+ AI Crash Course lessons to skill up on AI.

Live Trainings: Weekly group trainings, presentation-style, through June 2025 – always recorded

Duration: 1 hour (we may increase as needed)

Toolkit Icon

Project Toolkits

Library of digital assets and software to get the project done, or get a better result.

* Tools in the project outlines above are a sample. More will be added over time.

Flowchart Icon

Project Benchmarks

Defined work standards for each project. 

Use it before, during, and after implementation to know you’re on the right track, and to confidently move to the next step (instead of second-guessing yourself).

Slack Icon

Private Slack Community

A private Slack group to meet, nerd out, co-work, and team-up with fellow AI Consultants on some or all of your projects.

Group Discussion Icon

Live & Recorded Project Coaching

Dedicated live call to get project feedback during and after implementation – use it to get unstuck, confirm you got it right, or to amplify what’s working well.

Recordings will be provided.

Format: Group Call, Q&A-Style
Cadence: Weekly
Schedule: Thursdays at 1 PM ET

You have access to weekly coaching for 6 months, starting on your enrollment date

Duration: 1 hour (we may increase as needed)

Chat Icon

Private Slack Coaching

Dedicated Slack channel for asking questions and getting expert answers in-between calls – use this for questions that take 5m or less to answer.

Cadence: On-Demand. 

Typical Duration: Under 5 minutes

Developer Icon

1-on-1 Developer Calls

Dedicated hours from my team of senior developers to actually code, build, implement, or provide a “Chief Technical Officer” perspective on a major problem, solution, or opportunity.

Format: 1-on-1 Call
Cadence: On-Demand
Duration: 30-minutes

The image is completely black and does not provide any visual content to describe. It appears to be either an error or a placeholder.

1-on-1 Advisory Calls

1-on-1 consulting calls with Rob. These can be used to address specific, advanced, and privacy-sensitive needs (e.g. HIPAA compliance, ‘C-Suite only’ issues, NDA-level material). Cadence: Once a month; unused calls don’t ‘roll-over’ (i.e.: accumulate) for use in future months.

Format: 1-on-1 Call
Cadence: On-Demand
Duration: 30-minutes

Flowchart Icon

Unlimited 1-on-1 Messaging

Talk directly to Rob or a senior developer about anything in-between calls – coding, AI, marketing strategy, sales strategy, product strategy, or business strategy.

Cadence: On-Demand
Typical Duration: Under 5 minutes

Upcoming Feature:
AI Consultant Partner Directory

Searchable index of certified IWAI consultants, who have taken the curriculum, and passed a certification exam, giving you an extra layer of confidence to find fellow IWAI Alumni who you can trust to partner up on projects with, or refer business to. We plan to launch this before the end of this cohort.


Sign your first AI consulting client in 6 weeks or less – I guarantee it.

More than 300 students have already started the AI Consultancy Project and are building successful consulting businesses – and I am so confident the program will work for you that I have made it risk-free:

When you enroll, you’re protected by not one, not two, but three layers of guarantees.

Cancel For Any Reason within your first 14 days, so you can see it all before you decide.

From the moment you join, you have a 14-day grace period during which you can cancel and receive a full refund for any reason. No questions, no nonsense. You’ll have time to nerd out in private our Slack community, attend live sessions and review our extensive vault of recorded training sessions. If it’s not right for you or your financial situation changes unexpectedly, just email us within 14 days and get a full refund, guaranteed.

Sign Your First Client in 6 weeks, guaranteed.

You’ll build your consultancy by following the lessons in our first few ‘Projects’ – finding your niche, reaching out to warm leads, and getting paid to deliver your first AI training, strategy or implementation project. After doing this with 300+ students, I know exactly how to get you through this launch process quickly and efficiently (even if you’re feeling nervous about reaching out to potential clients).

That’s why I guarantee that you’ll sign your first paid client within 6 weeks of enrollment. If you don’t sign a paying client in 6 weeks, you get to choose between two options: 

(1) you can cancel and get a full refund, or 

(2) you can get personalized attention from me and my team to rewrite your entire AI Consultancy business model at no extra cost to you. We’ll help you with your exclusivity statement, your niche selection, writing your outreach messages, and building a list of prospects – ensuring you have everything you need to take action and score that first gig. 

It’s the ultimate “never get stuck” guarantee.

Family & Medical Sabbatical Guarantee – so you can always put your loved ones first.

If you choose one of our 12-month payment plans at checkout, you also get our third guarantee: if any immediate family member experiences a major medical or financial problem, you can delay your payments for 3 months during your 12-month plan.

This guarantee covers you, your spouse, children, parents and anyone who shares your household. The most important thing to me is taking care of your loved ones – and I know that sometimes means diverting attention temporarily from work. Life happens! That’s why all my employees have plenty of paid family and medical leave, and why I extend the same courtesy to my students too.

If you need a break from payments for any reason described above, just email us and we’ll pause your payments for 3 months – and when you return from your sabbatical, my team and I will help you get back on track to accomplish all your goals.


Opening-Day Bonuses: AI Idea Pipeline + Live Group Coaching Call with Rob

Exclusively for students who enroll before 11:59pm Pacific on Wednesday, Oct. 23

The image features a stylized light bulb encircled by an arrow, with the words "AI IDEA PIPELINE" prominently displayed, suggesting a process for innovation in AI.

Bonus #1: The AI Idea Pipeline Masterclass

A $200 value – Get instant access to the workbook, template and video lessons to find 5 new AI ideas that fit your unique subject matter expertise, rank them by value and feasibility, and launch your personal Innovation Cycle.

Use our exclusive workbook and idea-generation process for yourself and/or your new consulting clients.

The image shows a grid of video call screens with various people, some waving. They appear to be engaged in a virtual group meeting or event.

Bonus #2: Live group coaching session with Rob

A $400 value – Join Rob for an extra live group coaching session available only to students who enroll on Opening Day. This is separate and in addition to coaching sessions inside the higher levels of the program, and are yours whether you join the Training, Coaching or Hybrid Consulting level.

The Investment

3 options for professionals and entrepreneurs

I’ve priced this with the following intentions in mind:

  • Make it a small fraction of the outcome we’re co-creating together.
  • Make it accessible for our founding cohort
  • Limit the number of accepted applicants to ensure everyone receives the attention needed to be successful.

That said, you have 3 options:

Join the AI Consultancy Project


(Limit: 300 62 spots)

  • Lifetime Curriculum Access: 3 Phases and 9 Projects to Build Your Consultancy. Self paced, lifetime access to learn and revisit any time
  • AI Crash Course: 10+ hours of my best material to get you up to speed on AI and building with no-code tools
  • Live Consultancy Trainings: Join us for weekly live and recorded trainings through June 2025
  • Ready-to-Watch Consultancy Trainings: Instant access to our first 14+ lessons, including worksheets and templates
  • Recordings for all trainings: Never miss a lesson regardless of your schedule
  • Project Toolkits: Exclusive tools, software, worksheets and more from 20+ years of software consulting
  • Project Benchmarks: Know you’re on the right track and confidently move to the next step
  • Slack Community: Nerd out, co-work, and team-up with fellow AI Consultants
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

12 payments of $347

That’s only $11.41 a day

Pay in Full – Save $667

(Limit: 60 18 spots)

  • Includes everything in Training, plus…
  • Consultancy Coaching (Live Q&A Sessions): Weekly live group sessions for 6 months. Get unstuck, confirm you got it right, amplify what’s working well
  • Live Co-Working: Six months of bi-weekly meetups for deep work and accountability with our team and your fellow students
  • Recordings for all coaching sessions: Never miss a session regardless of your schedule
  • Private Slack Coaching: Dedicated Slack channel for asking questions and getting expert answers in-between calls
  • Bonus: First 5 members receive a one-time 1-on-1 30-minute quickstart call with Rob
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

12 payments of $597

That’s only $19.63 a day

Pay in Full – Save $1,167

(Limit: 20 6 spots)

  • ✔ Includes everything in Training and Coaching, plus…
  • 1-on-1 Developer Calls: Dedicated hours from my senior team to actually code, build and implement
  • 1-on-1 Advisor Calls: Consulting calls with Rob to address specific, advanced or privacy-sensitive needs
  • 1-on-1 ♾️ Messaging: Talk directly to Rob or a senior developer about anything in-between calls
  • Exclusive “Mentorship Mastermind” Group Calls
  • Bonus: Pay-in-full and bring a team member for free.
  • Bonus: First 5 members receive one-time 1-on-1 60-minute quickstart call with Rob
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

1 payment of $10,000

Pay in 12 Payments of $997

The image shows logos of various payment services including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Apple Pay, indicating accepted payment methods.

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, call, text, WhatsApp or email us. We’re happy to help: +1 (720) 900-1030 / [email protected]

*All payment plans have a 12-month commitment. If you anticipate inability to complete the payment cycle due to unpredictable finances, I’d advise against joining at this time.

If you’re not sure about joining our founding cohort (yet), wait until after we complete the first round in 6 months. At that point, the price will likely go up, as we create an even higher level of certainty for producing outcomes, as evidenced through our quality and quantity of case studies.

Enrollment Closes Friday, October 25

04Days 09Hours 59Minutes 10Seconds

Answers to your frequently asked consultancy questions

If I join the Training level today, can I upgrade to the Coaching or Hybrid Consulting levels later?

Yes! As long as you make your purchase of the program prior to enrollment closing, just e-mail us at [email protected] any time for a custom payment link to upgrade. To maintain the quality of the experience though, spots are limited, and so there is a chance they won’t be available.

Is the program self-paced?

The program is a mix of both self-paced learning and live group sessions. We understand that schedules can be busy, so all live sessions are recorded and made available the same day. This ensures you can participate fully even if you miss the live events. Whether you prefer to follow along at your own pace or join live sessions, the program is designed to be flexible to your needs.

What if I get busy and fall behind?

You have lifetime access to the recordings of all course material, so you can revisit at any time – even if you pause your work on your consultancy and revisit it months or years down the road.

You’re building a consultancy that could turn into a 10- or 20-year career (or more), so while we will always encourage you to take action, there’s no pressure to hit unreasonable deadlines or constantly move at lightning speed.

Will the program work for me if I’m outside the United States?

Yes, we have star students from around the world – from Chicago to Madrid to Chiang Mai. Everything in the program will work for you regardless of where you’re physically located. However, please note that our live sessions generally take place at 1 p.m. Eastern Time, so it may be difficult to attend those if you’re in Asia or Australia. All sessions are recorded, and you have lifetime access to those recordings. And because our students are all around the world, there’s always someone active in our 24/7 Slack community.

Do I need to have coding experience to be successful as an AI consultant?

No coding experience is necessary to succeed in this program. While we welcome participants from technical backgrounds, the program is designed to help non-developers thrive as AI consultants. You’ll learn to offer services around AI strategy, training, and no-code solutions. Even if you have some background in coding, you won’t need to code extensively. For more technical projects, we also teach you how to hire subcontractors to handle the coding.

What AI tools and technologies does the program focus on?

The program covers a range of AI tools and platforms, emphasizing practical, no-code solutions that consultants can easily implement for their clients. We aim to ensure that our students can apply these tools across various industries and project types.

Is this program suitable for someone who has not worked with AI before?

Yes! The program includes a comprehensive AI Crash Course designed to bring participants up to speed on foundational AI concepts. You do not need prior AI or machine learning experience to benefit. The course is built to support professionals from various industries in incorporating AI into their work, regardless of their background.

Does the program provide guidance on how to offer AI consultancy services to existing clients who have hired me for other tasks?

Yes – if you have a current business, we can help you with that. (If you don’t have your own business yet, we’ve got you covered, too.) For students with existing clients in other fields, the program offers detailed strategies on how to introduce AI consultancy services to your current clients, even if they are unfamiliar with AI. We provide case studies, sales strategies, and communication tips that can help you demonstrate the value AI brings, including its potential for cost savings and improved efficiency.

Will this help me get a traditional job as an employee?

The strategies and skills you’ll learn from the program will dramatically increase your level of business savvy and AI expertise, and you will receive a certificate of completion when you finish the curriculum. However, we don’t consider this to be a formal job-training program. If your most urgent priority is finding traditional employment, it is best not to consider the program a replacement for other job trainings or certifications.

What if I don’t have a lot of cash on hand right now?

We have a range of payment-plan options to make it convenient for you to spread out payments on your enrollment.

Split your enrollment into 12 monthly payments with no credit check or application – so you can enroll for as little as $11.41 a day. If you’re in the U.S., Canada or Europe, you may also see options to use third-party services such as Affirm, Afterpay or Klarna to split your payments over longer periods of time (be sure to choose the “Pay in Full” option on this page to see these third-party payment plan options).

Do I keep ownership of all my ideas and intellectual property?

Yes – you own everything you create. Unlike other programs (or the TV show Shark Tank), we do not ask you to give up any ownership, control or interest in anything that you’re creating. Our job is to be your launchpad, not to stifle you or take a cut of your hard work.

What if something unexpected happens right after I join?

Your enrollment comes with a 14-day cancel-for-any-reason grace period. If you sign up today and have an emergency tomorrow, you just email us and get a full refund, no questions asked and no hard feelings. We know life happens and want to make sure that we set you up for success, not stress.

What if I’m not getting results?

Your enrollment is also protected by our unbeatable triple guarantee:

  • Cancel for any reason within your first 14 days.
  • Sign your first client in 6 weeks, guaranteed. If you don’t, you can choose between (A) a full refund or (B) personalized help from our team to rewrite your whole business model until you get it right.
  • Family and Medical Sabbatical Guarantee – if an immediate family member has a medical or financial emergency and you’re on a payment plan, you can pause your payments for 3 months to focus on your family.

We guarantee results to everyone who takes the program seriously and puts it into action – because we know the system works.


“A great teacher, reliable mentor…”

-Bart K.

“Not only is Rob a great and patient teacher, he is truly invested in his students and takes time to answer your personal questions and guide you on your personal path. The curriculum is extensive and ever growing, plus if you have any questions you not only have an amazing teacher but also a great community to fall back on.”

“Helping you grow and succeed…”

-Sonal C.

“Rob is an exceptional leader who’s genuinely committed to helping you grow and succeed. The program offers access to great AI resources and the IWAI community is not just about learning. It’s about collaboration where everyone supports each other, celebrating wins and offering advice and guidance. There’s also a sense of accountability that encourages progress at your own pace. This program allows you to enhance your AI knowledge, connect with like-minded professionals, and achieve your goals faster.”

“Practical insights and actionable steps…”

-Froilan M.

“The Innovating with AI consulting course exceeded my expectations. It provided practical insights and actionable steps to start and grow an AI consultancy. The content was well-structured, and the real-world examples made complex concepts easy to grasp. The instructor is knowledgeable and responsive, offering valuable feedback throughout the course. This is a must-take for anyone serious about entering the AI consulting space!”

Realistic Expectations

…and our mutual commitment

I’ve modeled this for you to be successful with an average time investment of 5 hours per week. Naturally, if you put in more, you’ll likely get more out of this.

That being said, I can’t guarantee the $250K profit per year outcome.

That would be (1) illegal and (2) misleading, because the only guaranteed outcome in life is mortality – everything else is a probability, which means there is risk. 

What I can guarantee is that I will provide to you the same level of service I have provided to both Fortune 500 clients and hundreds of AI Incubator students who have a 98.7% student success rate.

This is an exclusive invitation to our existing IWAI members, and so you have an idea of what to expect – besides me “downloading the best of my brain into yours”, I’ll bring my excitement to working closely with each of you as founding members.

Just as we’ve done before with our other programs, we’re committed to having an exceptionally high success rate. I want this program to be around for years to come – which means, getting started on exceptionally strong footing. 

That means I’m also heavily motivated to see you become an exceptional case study student – one whose story will inspire many others to start their own journey.

Do I selfishly want to brag about you?

Absolutely 🙂

Do I want you to surprise yourself with what you’re capable of?

Most definitely 😎.

Just imagine a future you, 6 months from now, looking back to this moment, with a thought bubble above your head…

“At the time, I didn’t know what the future held…but I did it anyway, because I never lose when I choose to invest in myself”

If everything you’ve read on this page makes sense to you, and you’re ready to step into a new chapter of AI service innovation, then there’s only one thing left to say…

It’ll be a fun time seeing you go from service idea to a new consulting reality.

To Your Innovation,

This image shows a black-and-white, possibly hand-drawn or inked, simple oval shape with some scribbles inside, resembling an abstract signature or mark.

– Rob Howard
Founder of Innovating with AI

(Questions? Text, WhatsApp or email me personally – (720) 900-1030 / [email protected]).

PS – The AI Consultancy Project is designed to give you skills that go far beyond “AI”. I’ll be sharing with you both the fundamentals and advanced strategies I’ve used to grow my own $1.5M+ service business in a way that gives me more freedom, not less of it.

The goal of this is not to get you excited to sign up, invest money, and do nothing – the explicit goal is for you to learn forever applicable skills and to use the tools to create life-changing results, no matter which way the AI technology curve twists and turns. Learn these skills once, and then use them for life.

Once you enroll, you’ll receive an email that walks you through our program, how to get access to our Slack community and more.


Opening-Day Bonuses: AI Idea Pipeline + Live Group Coaching Call with Rob

Exclusively for students who enroll before 11:59pm Pacific on Wednesday, Oct. 23

The image features a stylized light bulb encircled by an arrow, with the words "AI IDEA PIPELINE" prominently displayed, suggesting a process for innovation in AI.

Bonus #1: The AI Idea Pipeline Masterclass

A $200 value – Get instant access to the workbook, template and video lessons to find 5 new AI ideas that fit your unique subject matter expertise, rank them by value and feasibility, and launch your personal Innovation Cycle.

Use our exclusive workbook and idea-generation process for yourself and/or your new consulting clients.

The image shows a grid of video call screens with various people, some waving. They appear to be engaged in a virtual group meeting or event.

Bonus #2: Live group coaching session with Rob

A $400 value – Join Rob for an extra live group coaching session available only to students who enroll on Opening Day. This is separate and in addition to coaching sessions inside the higher levels of the program, and are yours whether you join the Training, Coaching or Hybrid Consulting level.

Join the AI Consultancy Project


(Limit: 300 62 spots)

  • Lifetime Curriculum Access: 3 Phases and 9 Projects to Build Your Consultancy. Self paced, lifetime access to learn and revisit any time
  • AI Crash Course: 10+ hours of my best material to get you up to speed on AI and building with no-code tools
  • Live Consultancy Trainings: Join us for weekly live and recorded trainings through June 2025
  • Ready-to-Watch Consultancy Trainings: Instant access to our first 14+ lessons, including worksheets and templates
  • Recordings for all sessions: Never miss a lesson regardless of your schedule
  • Project Toolkits: Exclusive tools, software, worksheets and more from 20+ years of software consulting
  • Project Benchmarks: Know you’re on the right track and confidently move to the next step
  • Slack Community: Nerd out, co-work, and team-up with fellow AI Consultants
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

12 payments of $347

That’s only $11.41 a day

Pay in Full – Save $667

(Limit: 60 18 spots)

  • Includes everything in Training, plus…
  • Consultancy Coaching (Live Q&A Sessions): Weekly live group sessions for 6 months. Get unstuck, confirm you got it right, amplify what’s working well
  • Live Co-Working: Six months of bi-weekly meetups for deep work and accountability with our team and your fellow students
  • Recordings for all coaching sessions: Never miss a session regardless of your schedule
  • Private Slack Coaching: Dedicated Slack channel for asking questions and getting expert answers in-between calls
  • Bonus: First 5 members receive a one-time 1-on-1 30-minute quickstart call with Rob.
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

12 payments of $597

That’s only $19.63 a day

Pay in Full – Save $1,167

(Limit: 20 6 spots)

  • ✔ Includes everything in Training and Coaching, plus…
  • 1-on-1 Developer Calls: Dedicated hours from my senior team to actually code, build and implement
  • 1-on-1 Advisor Calls: Consulting calls with Rob to address specific, advanced or privacy-sensitive needs
  • 1-on-1 ♾️ Messaging: Talk directly to Rob or a senior developer about anything in-between calls
  • Exclusive “Mentorship Mastermind” Group Calls
  • Bonus: Pay-in-full and bring a team member for free.
  • Bonus: First 5 members receive one-time 1-on-1 60-minute quickstart call with Rob.
  • 14-Day Grace Period: Cancel for any reason within your first two weeks, guaranteed
  • Sign Your First Client in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed: If it doesn’t work, cancel for a full refund, or get personalized help from our team to score your first paying client

1 payment of $10,000

Pay in 12 Payments of $997

The image shows logos of various payment services including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Apple Pay, indicating accepted payment methods.

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, call, text, WhatsApp or email us. We’re happy to help: +1 (720) 900-1030 / [email protected]


Since 2016 – long before AI – I’ve been helping consultants grow.

My speech on Hybrid Retainers for consultants at Freelance Business Week Denver in 2019

Now, with AI, the opportunity is better than ever…

A smiling person with shoulder-length hair, wearing a black leather jacket and blue top, with a blurred striped background.

“I quit my job 8 months earlier than I expected”

-Susan Boles, Fractional CFO

Susan was working 60+ hour weeks across 3 jobs. Her first milestone: earning the same amount from her consultancy, while working only 20 hours per week.

A few rebrands later, she offers human-centered finance and operations services as part of her larger CFO suite of service offers.

All this allowed her to turn her attention to what really mattered:

Walking her son to school every morning.

A person with short dark hair and a beard, wearing a gray shirt, is standing against a white background, looking directly at the camera.

“from zero to 6-figures/year in retainer income [alone]…”

-Colin McCann, Web Dev Consultant

He’s booked solid, and is extremely selective about new work he takes on.

Case in point: his website reads “MCCANNEX is evaluating personal referrals only. Thank you for your interest”. He’s removed his inquiry form and contact information.

Beyond that, his client relationships have lasted 4+ years. As for that 6-figures in retainer income? Well, he’s also got even more coming in from project income as well.

Now he books up to 6-months of trips to live concerts in advance without worrying about client work.

The image shows a smiling person with short hair, wearing a suit without a tie, outdoors with trees and a pale sky in the background.

“Traveling the world for the past 4 years (and counting)”

-Anthony Yeung, Marketing Consultant

“I have accomplished more in the past 5 months than in the past 5 years”

He built an efficient, flexible consultancy that allowed him to live his dream as an expat.

Since working together, he’s been featured in Men’s Health, GQ, and Esquire magazines when he’s not interviewing NYT bestselling authors.

This is a close-up image of a smiling person with a bald head, stubble, and blue eyes wearing a dark green V-neck shirt against a black background.

“I have virtually unlimited leads”

-Mike Kohl, Web Dev Consultant

“I was stuck in my lead generation process. Because of my time with [Rob], I now have virtually unlimited leads to go after….tremendously helpful”

The #1 problem for many consultants is getting new business. For Mike, solving that problem meant peace of mind from a virtually unlimited opportunity – which meant he could now be very selective about working with just the best clients.